Hereafter we expose the contractual document that will govern the purchase of products through the website (the provider). The acceptance of this document implies that the user:
- Has read, understands and comprehends what is set forth herein.
2. That he/she is a person with enough capacity to purchase.
3. That he/she assumes all the obligations set forth herein.
These present conditions will have an indefinite period of validity, and will be applicable to all contracts made through the website The provider reserves his right to modify these conditions unilaterally, without affecting the products or promotions that were purchased prior to the modification, except in case of mistake.
Identifying the parties
On the one hand, the supplier of the goods or services contracted by the user is CARTONAJES VIR S.A., address POL. DE MERES, S/N 33199 SIERO (ASTURIAS), CIF A33023581, customer service telephone number 985792780, e-mail:, and, on the other hand, the user, registered on the website, with a username and a password, provider of the data for which they have full responsibility for their use and custody, being also responsible for the accuracy of the personal data yielded to the provider.
General information
The conditions described on this page only apply to the orders that have been placed from our website:
We sell our products within peninsular Spain. If, at any time, you are interested in our products and you belong to any geographical area where our on-line sales are not available, please do not hesitate to give us a call at our customer service phone 985792780 or write us an e-mail to, and we will try -if it is possible- to reach an agreement with you, so you will be able to enjoy our products.
The currency used for paying our products must be Euros. The purchasing procedures must take place in Spanish. In case it could be performed in another language it must be indicated before starting the contracting procedures.
For any information about your order, users can contact us through our customer service telephone number 985792780 or our e-mail:
Purchasing process
Purchasing procedures are fully performed electronically through our website.
Each product has an associated “Technical Data Sheet”, where the following characteristics are detailed: height, width, and depth of the final assembled product.
All you have to do is select the product you wish to purchase, and click on the “add to cart” button.
All the products included in your cart can be deleted, as long as you indicate so. If you decide to continue with your purchase, you must read and expressly accept our Terms and Conditions, Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, available at our website. Once you have done so, you will be able to proceed to the purchase phase itself.
In spite of adding a specific product, you will be able to continue with your purchase, being all the selected products included in the basket or cart until you click on the continue shopping button of the contracting procedure.
If you modify any of the data entered, the summary shown on the screen will change automatically. Likewise, there is also a space specifically enabled so you can make specific remarks or comments regarding your purchase.
If you wish to end your purchase you only need to click on checkout. To successfully complete your purchase, you must be previously registered as a customer and/or complete an authentication form with some data to perform your registration –customer registration– and later on, controlling, billing and shipping your orders. The following data are mandatory to register as a user: e-mail address, first name, last name, and a password -that must be at least 5 characters long-. Mandatory data for purchase effectiveness are: mailing address, at least one telephone, and tax identification number.
At this point, you will need to accept our Purchase Terms and Conditions, Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. The purchase procedures are clearly differentiated in several steps:
Shipping addresses: you can add new addresses at this point.
Delivery methods: in this section you can select the shipping method of your preference, among the available ones.
Payment method: at this point you will be required to select your desired payment method among the available ones. Once the payment method has been selected, and the order has been confirmed, you will have completed the entire purchase process.
Once your purchase has been completed, a summary screen of your purchase will be displayed. Likewise, you will receive in your email a confirmation and a detail of the order you have placed. The provider, as stated in our privacy policy, will guarantee your data confidentiality.
This document confirms that your purchase has been successfully completed and will serve as accreditation for any type of claim, as long as its corresponding proof of payment is attached. If you do not receive this email, please check your junk mail or spam account, as it may have been detected as spam. If you do not find it in this section, please let us know as soon as possible so we can help solve the problem.
From your account, in the section Order History you will be able to download your purchase invoice.
Cartonajes Vir is not responsible for any mistakes in the prices shown on its web Therefore, during the order confirmation process, we will proceed to verify all the prices. If the correct price is different from the one shown on our website, we will contact you as soon as possible, and if we cannot communicate, we will send an e-mail to the address provided by the user, offering the affected customer the possibility to reconfirm their order or cancel their purchase.
Cartonajes Vir reserves the right of not confirming an order for a specific reason such as product supply, a problem related to the received order (e.g., illegible document), an abnormal order or a foreseeable problem concerning delivery. In those cases, Cartonajes Vir will inform their customer.
No new orders may be placed until the customer has paid in full their previous orders due sums. Also, the goods ownership will not be fully transferred until Cartonajes Vir company receives the sums due by the customer.
Prices, offers and discounts
The prices indicated for each product will be expressed in Euro currency (€).
The price indicated for each product includes VAT and must be clearly visible from the purchase very beginning, being these taxes broken down in its final summary, before proceeding to payment. If there are any offers, discounts or promotions, it will be reflected on our website and you will be able to choose it.
Payment methods
We have available the following payment methods:
- a) By PayPal: in order to be eligible for this one you must have an associated account or create one.
Your card data will be safely stored within your PayPal account, and you will be able to use your account on our website and other commercial websites that accept PayPal.
- b) Virtual POS.
- c) For other options: please contact us at
Order delivery and shipping costs
Orders will be delivered to the delivery address that has been freely designated by the user. During the registration process, you may indicate a different address to receive your orders.
The purchased products shipment will only take place once the user has paid them in full, and the payment has been received by the provider. The purchase will not be considered completed until that time. It is possible that some of the products contained in the order placed by the customer might not be available at the time of processing that order. In the event that the product selected by the customer is not available in stock, they will be informed of the new estimated delivery time within 24 hours from their record, so the customer will be able to choose if they prefer a refund of his purchase instead. If it is definitely not possible to quickly replenish the stock of a product, the amount paid will be directly refunded using the same payment method employed by the customer. You can give us a phone call in order to get a closer approximation to confirm our stocks and delivery forecasts to customers, at 985792780 or send us an e-mail to
In case of unjustified delay by our company regarding the paid sums return, the customer may claim to get paid double the amount due, without prejudice to their right to be compensated for suffered damages in excess of that amount, in accordance with the provisions of art. 110 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, approving the revised text of the Consumers’ and Users’ Protection General Law and other complementary laws.
The provider will not assume any responsibility when the product delivery does not take place because the data provided by the user appear to be false, inaccurate or incomplete, or when the delivery cannot be made for reasons beyond the provider’s control, as recipient’s absence, or shipment retention in customs. In any case, this delay does not imply any compensation by the provider to the customer or user.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will take the required measures, as diligent merchants, so that delivery can be made in the agreed time, and if not, as soon as possible, to the satisfaction of both, the sender and the recipient, so that no liability can be imputed against the provider. Shipping costs are charged to the customer, and they are clearly specified in the shopping cart (they might vary depending on geographical locations), except for available promotions advertised on our website.
– Orders will be delivered within 72 hours (3 working days from the order receipt) at the collection point selected by the customer.
For information on order delivery and shipping costs, please give us a call at the phone number 985792780 or send us an e-mail to
Return policy or withdrawal right
Case 1: Returns for purchase withdrawal
Every product purchased on our website may be returned and refunded, provided that you indicate your intention to return the product(s) within 14 days after their reception, and that they comply with the rest of the conditions set out below.
Requirements for returns due to withdrawal
-In order to return a shipment, you must try to use the same packaging with which the product was received, to ensure that the product is conveniently protected. In the event you do not have this packaging, you must return it in a way that ensures that the product will arrive in good condition to our warehouses.
-Your refund will be made either using the same payment method you employed in the initial purchase, or generating a discount coupon for the value of the returned product. Transport and management costs will be borne by the customer.
In which cases we do not return products:
-We will not return products that, once tested and used, can no longer be sold as new unless they have been damaged by shipping or have arrived that way, in which case you must inform us within 24 hours.
-Products manufactured according to the consumer and user specifications or clearly personalized will not be returned.
After examining the item, we will inform you if you are entitled to a refund of the amounts you have paid. Your refund will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 days from the date on which you informed us of your intention to withdraw. However, we may withhold your reimbursement until we have got the goods back, or until you have provided us your proof of return of the goods, whichever condition is met first. Your refund will always be made by the same payment method that you have used to pay for your purchase. If your account has not been debited, we will only accept the return.
Steps to follow
1- Request an order or item return directly by contacting our customer information department Please, remember to include your order number and the returning reason in the information provided.
2- Place the goods in a properly packed box, ready to be collected by a transport company, which will pick it up after having contacted you in advance.
3- Once the returned products are back in our facilities, we will start processing a full amount reimbursement, except for your shipping costs.
In the event of article exchange, we will proceed to collect the article and, once received and verified, we will manage the shipment of the new one or a full refund without any additional cost (except the direct cost of returning the goods).
Upon receipt of your products, we will proceed to examine them and we will inform you whether you are entitled or not to a refund of the amounts paid for the purchased product.
The return process will be completed as soon as possible and, in any event, within 14 days from the date on which we were notified of your withdrawal intention.
Case 2: Returns due to defective products
In those cases where you consider that, at the time of delivery, your product does not conform to the stipulated in the contract.
– Request your return by mail:
– Please, remember to put your order number and the returning reason, in the information provided.
– Place the goods in a properly packed box ready to be collected by the transport company. It will be picked up once we have contacted you.
– When the returned products are back at Cartonajes Vir, we will start the full amount reimbursement process, except for the handling fees that were generated.
Upon receipt of the goods, we will carefully examine them and, within a reasonable time, we will contact you indicating whether we accept or not their return or replacement. The exchange or return will be effective as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 days from the date on which we send you an e-mail confirming your return acceptance. Partial returns and/or partial cancellations will result in partial refunds of the amount paid for the order.
You can use the following application form in order to exercise this right:
<<For the attention of Cartonajes Vir S.A., address: Polígono de Meres s/n 33199 Meres – Siero – Asturias, CIF A33023581, customer service telephone number 985 792 780 and email:
I hereby inform you that I withdraw from our contract of sale of the following good: ….
Being the order number: … received on ….
As well as my personal data cited below:
Full name and user of Cartonajes Vir account: …
Shipping address: …
Document date: In ……….. on …. the …….. of 20….
User’s signature
*Signature be only required in case of submitting a paper form by mail. >>
All our products offered are original products of our brand, they are endowed with a factory guarantee certificate, and, in principle, without any defect. In those incidences that could justify the guarantee use, article replacement, reduction or return, in the legally established terms, the guarantee will lose its value if any of its data or of the proof of purchase are modified, altered or replaced.
Guaranties do not include those deficiencies caused by negligence, hits, use or manipulation undue, or materials subject to wear and tear due to normal use.
Defects or flaws due to incorrect use or handling of the material, or wear and tear caused by its normal use are not included in the guarantee.
The diminished functionality of the articles, due to design limitations, are also excluded from the coverage of this guarantee.
-Product guarantee: The guarantee only covers defects caused by its manufacturing.
In order to enjoy our products guarantee, you will need your purchase invoice. If you need to use the guarantee, we suggest you call our customer service at the phone at 985 792 780, or write an email to:, and we will help you manage it.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
This website is subject to Spanish law and in case of litigation or dispute arising from the use of this website both parties must submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the municipality of Siero. This clause of express submission to the courts of the municipality of Siero shall not apply in the event of litigation with web users who, according to current legislation, are consumers, in which case the provider and the user agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of products or services subject to these conditions, to the Courts and Tribunals where the user/consumer is located.
Likewise, the provider and the user may submit their disputes to the arbitration provided for in the legislation on arbitration and consumer and user protection (Consumer Arbitration Board at the consumer’s or customer’s homeplace), and to the procedures for out-of-court settlement of disputes that are established through codes of conduct or other self-regulation instruments.
In case of disagreement with the contracted products or services, and of being a customer that belongs to the European Union, you can go to the following link to make the appropriate claim:, in accordance with the provisions of art. 40.5 of Law 7/2017 of 2 November, which incorporates into the Spanish legal system the Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters.